Thursday 5 August 2021

Underwater :part 2

 At the beach was a guy name jack he went underwater and they were school fish’s and the water was fresh blue he put his gear to breathe and he put his hurtel and flippers the number on his shirt was forty-two he had a olympic race with 5 guys so he went underwater and went he jump over the he so beautiful creatures like fish turtle so he keep going and keep jumping jack was nearly there then this other guy name sam was keeping up to him but jack went fast then sam the other guys were at the back so it was up to jack and sam jack went fast and fast then sam sam went jumping and kicking his leg to catch up jack was there at the finish line and jack won the race sam was a bit sad that he didn’t win  but sam was proud of jack so the other guys came on the sand and got some water jack got his trophy that say tokyo olympic trophy first sam got his it say tokyo olympic trophy second and the other guys got none so sam and jack was proud of them self so some people got jack and went jack jack jack jack jack jack jack jack said put me down i need to say something to sam sam thanks for being kind and proud of us you can keep the car sam said really jack said yea so they were friends for long the end.  

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